You got it all wrong
~610 words

As a Bringer of Light, at times I feel like a magnet- a regional tour that many try to connect to in their moments of depression, blues, confusions and anxiety. I do feel as though they come to me for the healing process.
To the spiritually ignorant, it may come off as a boast but this has been the reality of my entire life.
For the past 3 years ever since I publicly accepted my role as a Bringer of Light the exchanges have been more concrete, more frequent and definitely more complex. Why am I telling you all this now? Mostly because during most healing sessions with my soul mates, I noticed an exaggeratedly common feature: Defeat.
The following scenario is something I encountered with mostly all of them.
After a careful analysis of their inner soul, I asked them to accept that they've been expecting things. I tell them that expectations have been at the cause o their miseries. And often to my surprise, what I get as a reply is: "Yes, I know. Expectations, I already know that."
After hearing a dozen of people telling me that they know 'expectations' is at the root of their depression, I was aghast. I mean- give me a break! If you have the knowledge, you know the cause, why can't you possibly raise above i!? It's not exactly that difficult.
But of course, I was wrong in thinking that just knowing a few quotes of Robin Sharma, a few inspiring thoughts from from Richard Branson's Facebook page or a couple of books of Deepak Chopra gulped was going to actually bring that full swing shift.
It all clicked at once. All my soul mates may be having the knowledge but they are not APPLYING it!! They have the knowledge but not the wisdom. According to Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, Wisdom is Knowledge Applied.
To my Dear Soul Mates, What you have to realise is that you already have the will to indulge in the spiritual journey, the fact that you have gorged yourselves up with familiar spiritual wordings prove that. However, some where down the line, you must have missed the essence of the whole concept. Merely reading a book and bathing your soul in it are two entirely different things. Reading words and breathing them are yet two different things. Scanning words with your eyes is one thing and nibbling at them to ask even more questions is another.
Likewise having the knowledge and applying it are two different things. So it's high time you apply it now. Perhaps that this article is a sign. So just go for it. Be receptive and dare to be vulnerable and submissive whilst receiving the divine thoughts. Be ready and brave enough to finally listen and pay heed, not just to hear.
There will forever be people who are aware of things, but only a bunch are open and courageous enough to make the awareness seep into every cell of their existence.
And this Dear Soul Mates, is what you have to become!
Until next time,
Be eternally blessed!
Much Love,
Iam Aehr.