7 Things You should Know if You'll Work with Me

1. I absolutely believe wholeheartedly in my opinion and will defend it until I have convincing new information to adjust it, and I always want new information. I am passionate about the deeper meaning of things and the pursuit of it. Being confident in my decisions doesn’t mean I am eternally set in my ways. If you have a good suggestion that makes sense, I am listening.
2. I’m not bossy for the sake of being bossy. I just can’t stand inefficiencies, and if I think I can do a better job leading, I’ll do it without asking you, cause it needs to get done. Productivity is numero uno.
3. I don’t always want to be in charge and in fact, sometimes I wish others would take some initiative.
4. Being the best at everything is a need, not a want.
5. I am not a cold-hearted creature. I actually really enjoy the company of others, I just have high expectations of myself and everyone else. I really enjoy working towards a goal and love to guide other people towards it as well. As a result, I hate inefficiency. I just want you to know that it’s not that I dislike your way, I just want to get things done.
6. Being lazy is the sure way to stress me out. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and every moment should count. I take this seriously and wasting time is a tragedy. I have a hard time respecting people who use their time carelessly.
7. Emotions are a wonderful thing – and they should not be dismissed or rejected. However, a point based purely on emotions and feelings without regard for logic and objectivity is useless. If you do need to discuss your emotions and feelings with me, try to do it in a non-threatening, non-debative way and be as direct and straightforward as possible.