11 Ways how I am living the Married Life
For those who follow me on social media, you must very well be acquainted with the idea of Oumika's constant presence in my life. We have been touted as Siamese Twins, as an Inseparable Couple and what not. So much so that when I don't sit next to her in class, people think we had a bad fight.
Being roommates with a close friend can be a paradisaical apartment of blissful joy and rainbows!

We must have heard this question 1,000 times: "Did you guys know each other before college, or are you just super close?" But the truth is that we are roommates and no, we didn't know each other before college. Actually, despite being both Mauritians, we have never met each other in Mauritius.
And to be very honest, I feel like I am having a taste of what married life should look like in the long run without actually being married. And for that, I am grateful. Why do you ask?
1. We share everything.
No, by that I do not mean secrets! By that I mean crates of eggs, bottles of milk and dining time. To top it, all our clothes are communal. No matter how fancy. Same goes for make-up. And food, books, and perfume. You are each other’s fashion consultants, and you are bound by best-friend-roomie law to be gentle but honest. You will tell her that she cannot go out in that heinous tulip skirt—but you’ll do it nicely.
2. We are one.
Our other friends treat us as a unit. If she’s invited, I am invited, no question. It is just understood that if the message was sent to me, the message was sent to Oumika as well. So much that, we end up having the same schedule all the time, and ultimately the same group of friends.
3. Family is involved.
I bet our families secretly suspect that the two of us are dating. Not true. But in a lot of ways I know too much about her family and she knows too much about my family to be called friends. I know all the feuds and connections in her family. She knows the same. I don't have it in me to tell the entire history of my family to another now. So done.
4. We leave each other alone.
We know when to let each other be. She knows when to call me on my shit, when to let me cry it out, and when to bring me tulips! I am not sure if I know the same. And writing this down makes me feel slightly guilty. But hey? Isn't one always more caring than the other in a relationship? Okay, no. Sorry, Mika! But the point is, we actually know when and where to give space. So yes!
5. We are present for each other.
Even if we leave each other when we just merely want to swim in our respective oceans of negativity, we are here when required. We are always there to give each other advice, listen to each other complain about the best people in our lives and support each other.
6. We have a bottomless reserve of affection?
Obviously we always fall asleep talking to each other, possibly in the same bed. Anything else would be weird. I have no reservations about crawling into her bed and cuddling.
7. Our roles are defined.
In our relationship, she's the mom. She’ll make me tea when my throat is killing, and as compared to my actual mom would let me sleep just some more when she feels I need it.
8. Back of our hands!
We know everything about each other. I’ve seen pictures of her bowl cut from 7th grade. She knows about my imaginary friends and not once has she teased me about them. I can’t be embarrassed in front of her. She’s seen me dance to Taylor Swift with no pants on. She’s seen me at my best and my worst. Both of us walk around the apartment in only a towel or a robe because who's going to judge us?
9. We roast each other.
We don't get mad when one of us insults the other. We just laugh and think of something even more offensive to say.
10. Our patterns accommodated.
She's always down to order food with me. Whether it's 3 a.m. pizza after a night out or the necessary study food: Domino's cheesy bread and cinna sticks. "You eat half of the cheese bread, I'll eat half of the cinna sticks, and then we'll switch." Grocery shopping is a breeze because we both know exactly what the other likes and dislikes.
11. Our tastes synch.
We have "our songs."​ Choosing a movie to watch is easy because we also have the same tastes.​