18 Ways to be an Exciting Person!
I am very often alleged to behave too much like a typical 16-year-old. And I do take that as a compliment. I don't tend to walk grays. So when you party, you party hard and when you study, you study hard. It's about adding the maximum of your energy and optimism into something.
I think it's important that we remain excited about everything, about the tiniest thing happening around you. It not only helps boosts positivity within you but also automatically makes you happier and a highly aura-projecting soul.

I prefer exciting people. Boredom and people is just, well, boring.
Get yourselves more exciting, it makes you so much more alive! Trust me! And I don’t mean it in a way to just make your personality shine a tad brighter, but to make you feel good about yourself, for your overall health and well-being.
I just want to share a little story from my backyard. I have a grandmother and she’s pretty young by mind. She talks. About the news, world affairs, has the loudest of opinions, she endorses her pixie haircut, dances on all songs at party, is chic and a total 360 degree swipe from what anyone would expect of her age. She and I can sit down and talk for over 4 hours straight just sitting on the sofa with no snacks or TV for entertainment whatsoever! Now, that’s what I call zeal and enthusiasm! It’s just mellifluously divine!
And then you have people who criticize her approach towards life and shamelessly render her happy-going demeanor to the fruit of their conventionally “I’m too tired for this excitement shit!”
I swear, I just want to stand up and lash out against them but now since these words should be reaching them anytime soon, I think my work must have been done!
To these people: If someone were to write a book about your life, would the title be something like The Predictable Tale of (Insert Your Name Here)’s Monotonous Existence — or would it be The Exciting Escapades of (Your Name)’s Wild and Adventurous Life ?
To these people: Your real life probably falls somewhere in-between agonizing moments and wanton exhilaration — perhaps long stretches of boredom (or busyness) interspersed with moments of joy. (And even fun and joy can become predictable with repetition.)
As creatures of habit, our routines are comfortable and comforting. We humans tend to resist too much excitement even while we long to live a more exciting life. Living an exciting life appears great in theory, but it’s a bit daunting when we’re faced with the possibility of actually doing something to make it exciting.
Nevertheless, it is important to figure out that living an exciting life isn’t really about skydiving or car racing. It can be for some, but it really is up to you as to how you create your enthusiasm in life.
Your life, is like a wick. It’s your duty to keep it burning. There’s nothing more lovely than joy, enthusiasm, excitement and happiness. Let’s try be more of these and light up the flames!
Here, I have figured out some factors that I believe helps me stay excited about my own life and not feel bored!
1 Always be doing something.
Spending a bunch of time sitting around on your couch is the fastest way to be super boring. By constantly getting out there and doing something, anything, you'll be making yourself much more interesting. It gives you something to talk about in conversations with other people and makes it look like you at least have some kind of life, even if it isn't the most exciting life ever.
2 Travel everywhere.
Traveling is an easy way to make yourself and your life more exciting. Aside from the incredibly rewarding experiences you will have while doing this, it will also make you more confident and help teach you to cope with challenges in your life. You can travel locally or internationally, and traveling doesn't have to be as expensive as it seems. You can do it!
3 Be an adventurer.
Do adventurous things. Go hiking. Learn to rock climb. Try scuba diving. Maybe jump out of some planes. This is the fastest way to take your life from boring to action hero. They're also not that hard to do: all you need is some education, determination, and a certain dose of bravery.
4 Learn new skills.
You can also be a bit more boring about your being exciting, by learning cool new skills. You can learn to play the piano, master those guitar skills you started in high school, take up painting, or go with really unique hobbies like leather working or falconry. The most important thing is to pursue something that makes you happy and that you can get invested in. Constantly learn new things. Bonus points if you learn by doing! Filling your head with a world of experiences and knowledge is going to make you way more fun to talk to and you'll find that you enjoy the pursuit of knowledge along the way.
5 Consider a more exciting job.
Now, this isn't for everybody. Sometimes you have a family to support, or other obligations that take precedence over being more exciting. But if you have the opportunity to, get yourself into a career path that you (or maybe even other people) find exciting. It'll do you a lot of favors in the long run because you will be more invested in the "boring" part of your day because the boring part of your day will be awesome!
6 Make things.
Use skills you already have or learn some new ones and you can get on your way to doing what humans do best: making new things. You can make things just for you or turn your craft into a whole business. Being creative lets you express who you are but it also makes you more interesting to other people. Everyone wins!
7 Enjoy life.
Don't be a downer. Don't always complain or spend a bunch of time insulting or being down on other people. You can be as exciting as you want, but if you're a jerk then you're not really going to have anyone to enjoy that with. Make the most of life, even when it's handing out lemons like they're going out of style. Everyone will be better for it.
8 Take risks.
This is an essential part of making your life more exciting and being a more exciting person. You can't be exciting if you're always doing the same thing, even if that same thing is a little exciting. You have to take risks sometimes (a piece of advice that's handy for life in general). Don't go crazy though. Look at risks in terms of potential loss vs. potential gain. If you stand to lose only a little but gain a lot, go for it. If it's the other way around, wait for something better or blaze your own path.
9 Embrace who you are.
And if who you are is a pointy-ear-wearing, Star-Trek-watching nerd, that's not just okay, that's effing perfect! (Yay to geek power!) No matter what your eccentricity is, run with it. It will make you stand out but it will also make you fun to be around and more interesting to talk to because you will be happy and enjoying what you do with your life.
10 Be original.
Everyone is unique. Absolutely everyone. If identical twins are different from each other and are unique, you can certainly manage. Find what is unique about you, what makes you different, and embrace that. Even if it's weird. You might not have to fly pride flags everywhere, but you can certainly make it a bigger part of your life. You'll find that it generally makes you happier.
11 Be funny and positive.
People love people that are funny, so develop a good joke repertoire and make people laugh. Find the positive side of problems. Make life seem less serious every now and again, or at least remind people that it's okay to laugh and relax. This will make you and everyone around you a lot happier.
Your alternative is to be incredibly racist and offensive (the brand of exciting usually saved for grandparents who aren't particularly with the times), and you probably don't want to be that kind of exciting. Or maybe you do.
12 Be consistent.
Don't think that constantly changing your hair or dress is going to make you seem more exciting. The same can be said of trying a thousand hobbies and professions. Constantly changing drastically from one thing to the next doesn't make you exciting, it makes people think you're frivolous and not invested in anything. You'll seem like you do it for the attention. Find what matters to you and let changes come naturally.
My personal motto is that if you become what you make of others. Excite people is automatically going to titillate you to become more exciting.
13 Talk to people.
Get out there and be social! Talk to your friends. Spend time with them. Go to parties. Have fun. Show your friends all of the cool stuff you've been working on (you followed the steps in the first two sections, right?). This lets you show the exciting stuff you've done if you want to but it also gives you one more way to get out there and do something more interesting than sitting on your couch.
14 Have exciting friends.
Now, we're not trying to say that having more exciting friends will make you more exciting. That's not healthy. But more exciting friends will invite you to do exciting things, giving you opportunities to try new things. They'll also be more willing to join you on your own adventure.
15 Give back.
Volunteer. Improve your community with the skills that you have. Help show other people how to turn their lives around by taking on challenges, just like you did in order to change how you were living your life. This act of giving back makes you more exciting, but it also will help others and give you a great sense of fulfillment.
16 Educate others.
As you go around doing all of these exciting things, you will learn lots of cool or useful information. Make good use of this by educating others. You can give classes, or just have some fun facts for your friends at parties. People will enjoy living vicariously through the things you learn and tell them.
17 Leave the ego at home.
Don't, however, boast or spend a lot of time rubbing it in people's faces. Your life is exciting, they know. If they want to know more, they'll ask, so try not to make every other sentence out of your mouth about "This one time I....". You don't want to constantly talk about yourself. Often people tend to like people who listen to them. Tap on that.
And finally!
18 Be ready for criticism.
It took be a HUGE amount of time to be ready for that and I think you should be ready for criticism when you are simply prepping to be yourself in this cruel world of social norms. I was 14 when I didn't understand this and succumbed to peer bullying. The thing is that you're probably going to break or bend the rules, either real ones or just social conventions, along the way. This is natural, since being exciting usually means going against the grain a bit. Someone is going to find something "wrong" with what you're doing, even if they're the one who is really wrong. Learn to cope with the haters and you'll be much happier.
SO! Do these sound plausible enough to make yourself more exciting and excited about life and things in general?
On a side note, I just asked Shammah as to what are the things I’m most excited about in my life and she went screeching in the chat box that there are 3 things: Conversations with God, Bollywood Movies and Moutouk Mouches Jaunes (Wasps’ Larvae)! Now, please come on, we all know I’m much more excited about many other things! Like, the Mahabharata, like pranking my brother, like EATING for goodness’ sake! Like writing! Like Swimming, and going to stay over at my Mam’s or just having food, or even having a good conversation, or going to the seaside and sinking into the sunshine! Ouf!
But, twisting away from my self-cherubic talk; of course, to each their definition of being excited and exuberant about life; it's a relative matter as everything else.
Until next time,
Much Love