The difference between "love" and Love

Many think of love as sadness, pain and torture and immense danger of losing one self. From this perspective, we would probably all be better off if we never allowed ourselves to fall in love, to pretend as if we had no heart at all. I don’t actually believe that. I don't.
And mind you, I'm telling you that after a self-imposed heartbreak and a 'not-being-able-to conquer-over-your-crush's-heart'.
Yes, two years ago, the only guaranteed (and what I deemed most reasonable) way not to get my heart broken again, was to maybe act like I didn't have one.
But truth is that, that is no way to live. The truth is, all that pain you experience, all those difficult times you have to face and deal with, all of that is necessary.
It’s necessary for you to learn and to grow as an individual. It’s necessary to feel the pain of love in order to understand the meaning of loss. Most importantly, you need the pain of love in order to love.
In the absence of that which you have, that which you have you won't ever be able to experience.
Without the pain, without the needs and urges, love would not be the miracle it is. Without knowing pain, one can never grapple the true depth of happiness.
As long as you have a heart, have that basic emotional need to find and spend your life with a partner, you not only are risking the chance of getting hurt, but guaranteeing it.
What I have learnt in these 17 years of existence is that love is not really 'LOVE'. There's so much more to it than 'pain', 'hurt' and whatever nonsense -ish people have been associating to it.
For many people love is about finding something they need in another person. This is a form of trade, where people say ‘I love you’ where they should really say ‘I trade you’.
Relationships are not for obligation but for opportunities. Relationships to all things in life are tools in the work of the soul.
The purpose of relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness. Good relationship grows when both agree that the purpose is to elevate the self into a communion of two souls with God. This is the vow we should take when we marry.
In truth there are only two emotions--only two words in the language of the soul.... Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked. Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.
Allow me to explain myself, please.
What I have learnt is that 'Being in love' doesn’t make you crazy… you have to already be crazy to allow yourself to fall in love – especially if it isn’t the first time around.
Only an insane person would voluntarily sign up for so such voluntary madness, such overwhelming emotions..Wowhood.
What I have known after experiencing the 'pain' is that it is no matter what others may claim, it is self-imposed rather than a normal by-product of love.
What after replaying again and again the moments in my head, I realise that I mistook love for need. There is no such thing as need in love. You can't need a person and be in love at the same time. Need nurtures fear and fear is the complete opposite of love. Most people fear losing the ones they 'love'. Truth is that they've not known true love at all.
You cannot fear losing that person for that person is not your possession or belonging.
No.1 Love liberates, it never encages.
No.2 Love is not about need, it is not about the materialistic presence of another and neither is it about togetherness. Love is a state of heart, of mind and soul. They say that you have to be out of your mind to fall in love. And they did say true I reckon today. You have to be crazy enough enough to simply love..simply love that person.. Without the need to depend on each it term without expectations, without attachment.. So crazy that you remember them as an the sweet thought of your mind, the cute beats of the heart and the cool breeze that brushes your cheeks.. So much that you see that person in everything.
No, you don't use them to build your world and neither you need them..all you are doing is creating space in the palace of your soul to allow them to dwell there and fly away whenever they wish. In that palace you have no walls, no windows and no doors for your purpose is not to capture that person.. It is merely to anchor them.. The palace has a roof though for you'll always be there to protect and shelter them.. There is no need of bars, no need of restrictions or expectations..contrary to what love is.
The palace never moves, but the more that soothing soul stays, the more the palace feels inspired to grow and even when the soul flies away, the palace inspires itself from the soul's essence... It would itself never move in search of the soul but that never means that it has ever loved it less and neither does its love fade off.. On the contrary, the palace reaches the skies and grows even taller, rising. The growth is a fluctuating phenomenon.
Yes, love is about falling and rising all over again. It is a cycle. A beautiful one. Those who adhere and have known solely how to fall in love have never known love.
Falling in love is too much of a common experience. Everybody falls in love. But how many rise in love?
Falling in love makes your knees buckle and your eyes awe in admiration and has your mouth gasping in awe.
Rising in love makes your knees dare stand straight even if they buckle with a passion to have that gentle soul in your arms.
Rising in love makes you awe in admiration with your eyes shut.
Rising in love makes your mouth awe but never beckoning.
Many would say that love is an experience. Yet the palace whispers that Love is a state of being..
Love makes of the soul a God. Not to be venerated but to be cherished.
Love makes you love yourself in the process, and love, it merely makes you love another.
love attempts to look for a future, Love enjoys the moment's breaths.
love seeks for security, Love builds the security with one's own breath.
Love is about that one single breath that connects you to the divine.
The palace contemplates the soul and loses it.
It never gains it and possesses it.
Love is meant to be contemplated and lost. Not to be gained and possessed.
Your Fan, as always.