Female Nature

The most efficient way of understanding the truth about Female Nature is doing a quick reversal of the kind of Feminist theory that has become mainstream thought over the last half-century.
Women do, in-fact, need men; womanhood is defined through manhood.
If we understand the Form of Masculinity as a man’s “efficiency in acquiring power, his comfort in holding power, and his ability to maintain power,” we can understand the Form of Femininity as a woman’s comfort in submitting to power.
If you happen to have watched Bajirao Mastani (December 2015 Bollywood Movie), you would most undoubtedly recall Kashi's dialogue:
“Aap humse humari zindagi maang lete, hum aapko khushi khushi de dete. Par aapne to humse humara guroor hi cheen liya.”
(If you would have asked even for my life, I would have given that happily but you snatched my pride from me)
Yesss, Pride of Kashii!
I genuinely feel the intensity in those words. I have observed women. I have feminine feelings myself. It is more than just true. It's almost animalistic.
And instinctive. Mothers are selfless. Wives get very..... I have to read The Palace of Illusions to get the words.
Husbands disillusion wives very easily. No, no; not possessive. There's something we don't talk of often. The female ego. It's not territorial like men's.
It's more about which female has the greatest power to melt hearts/ devote herself/ sense of submission. It's very, very different. I was discussing this in a discussion table at school last year. But we couldn't complete the thought unfortunately. *frowns*
Well, I can’t say anything on that…I don’t know much about it.
It's more like the Shiv-AdiShakti relationship. Honestly, I don't get the feeling that men can live up to a woman's devotion. It's just too much to handle. There's a story from Christianity that retells how and why we turned to patriarchy from an age-old matriarchy. And it may well make sense. Even the Vedas put forth that feminine qualities display closeness to the divine light and being closer to enlightment and spiritual fulfilment as compared to masculine qualities.
:) :)
To find this lasting Love, (not love) complete submission is required. Intense devotion. This is what is known commonly as Bhakti. And there's no doubt this comes naturally to women. Well, I'm not recalling the story word to word.
Ahh Bhakti :)
But a summary would be that men got jealous of the closeness that women had with the divinity of the universe and hence attempted to snatch that through. Of course they didn't have to fight. Women gave it up willingly, in sheer submission. Last year, my French tuition teacher and I had a bit of a talk on this subject.
:) Oh
He thought submission was a weakness. And I believed it's one of the greatest strengths out there.
It could be, yes :)
We think that Power is about dominance. But Power is about submission! Like seriously it is! We tend to think that Power is taken away-
Is from both sides?
-but the truth is that Power is always given!
No there are no both sides!
There are not!
Darkness is not the opposite of Light, it's just the absence of it.
Hate is not the opposite of love, it's just the absence of it.
Shortness is not the opposite of tallness, it's just the absence of it.
There are no two sides. A balance is never segregated. It is simply a linear board.
The thing is that if tomorrow you decide to stop GIVING your parents the power to tell you what to do, well, they lose that power! They can't even take it away from you. There's a lot of intense thinking behind.
I think that we do not realize the power of submission in today's world.
Now relating that to women, there's the AdiShakti story.
Parvati burns herself ?
That story?
Non! Not story! Concept! A concept! The vessel and the breezes! The Palace and the breezes! I had an article on that! :3 It's really old.
Yep you have a lot of articles
"The male form thus lends itself best to represent the mind and the female form for matter. So the male forms represent the entrepreneur (male or female) and the female forms represent the enterprise (neuter). As is the entrepreneur, so is the enterprise. If the entrepreneur is like Shiva, indifferent, the enterprise turns into Kali, wild and so demanding attention.
When the entrepreneur is Shankara, paying attention, the enterprise calms down as Gauri. If the entrepreneur is like Ram, the rule-follower, the enterprise can be like Sita, silent and obedient, or like Surpanakha, who will demand attention and whose will not be violently forced into submission.
If the entrepreneur is Krishna, the enterprise will be dynamic, sometimes like Satyabhama, who demands love, and sometimes like Rukmini, who gives love, and sometimes like Radha and Draupadi, who though belonging to another, draw attention and care. As is God, so is Goddess. As is team leader, so is team. As is entrepreneur, so is enterprise. In the absence of God (the human mind), there is no enterprise. The Goddess then is nature (independent of human control). She does not need him but he certainly needs her."
This! It clearly stipulates how Women are because of Men. Women is referred to as the breezes and Men as the palace. The women has a purpose only because of that palace and well surrender herself completely. When the palace is gone, there's a female ego, angst- like a turmoil of not being able to be anymore.
*Honestly, you'll find a lot of women, going all assertive, all equal rights, radical feminists, truth is that place some kind of male figure in their life that they truly cherish and love and adore, they'll lose themselves in him. It's a basic female thing to do.*
In the Upanishads although the woman is made to depend on the man
on various levels and dimensions. It shows that this is not an ill trait because the man also thrives on the woman. The palace is empty without the breezes. There's so much to learn from those texts: mutual respect/affiliation.
Today we simply tend to give attributes to the sexes. We are conditioned to associate emotions with gender. So toughness is associated with masculinity, tenderness with femininity; domination with masculinity and submissiveness with femininity; rationality with masculinity and creativity with femininity; intelligence with masculinity and intuition with femininity; penetration with masculinity and receptivity with femininity; power with masculinity and love with femininity; straightforwardness is associated with masculinity and manipulation with femininity.
However, I think that we are being wrong in saying that some kind of attribute is superior to the other.
It's not that submission cannot be without dominance.
Both have a very linear relationship.
:) :)
There's a text I saved once. It's super interesting to reflect on. They say that Shiva never spoke a single word until Shakti came into his life as Parvati. She became not only his wife, but also his student, asking questions, discussing and deliberating with him. She asked him what love is. The answer is long.
Tell me :)
“When you come to me as Annapoorna, the goddess of food, and feed me and ask for nothing in return, I feel love. For you have taken care of my hunger unconditionally. When you come to me as Kamakhya, the goddess of pleasure, and hold me intimately as no one does do, I feel love. For you have made me the object of your desire. This is bhog. This is one kind of love. But there is another kind of love.
“When you come to me as Gauri, demure and delicate, and allow me to dominate you, demand things of you, take you for granted, knowing fully well that you cannot be dominated by anyone, I feel love. You made me play dice, laugh at the simple pleasure of games. You made me make you dolls and enjoy entertaining you. When you come to me as Durga, bearing weapons in your hand, and protect me, I feel secure and safe, and cared for, I also feel love. This is shakti. This is power. By granting me power over you, by defending me, protecting me, empowering me, you make me feel loved. This is the second kind of love. But there is yet another kind of love.
“When you dance atop me as Kali, naked with hair unbound, unafraid to be yourself, unafraid to be powerful and vulnerable and unafraid of being judged and mocked, I feel love. You make me open my eyes. I realize that Lalita, the beautiful one, is also Bhairavi, the fearsome one. I realize Mangala, the auspicious one, is also Chandika, the violent one. I see you totally, without judgment, and I realize I am capable of seeing the truth. That you allow me to see you fully, without judgment, tells me that I have become trustworthy. Thus you become the mirror, the Parvati darpan, that reflects who I am. You help me discover myself. You become my Saraswati. You reveal the true meaning of ‘darshan’. In joy, I dance. I become Nataraj.
Like there's so much to take away from that. I can't even describe this kind of relationship. It's beyond being beautiful. It's beyond being divine! It's God professed!
My God. Divine yes
*I didn't go irrelevant from the main topic, but we are only half way in the discussion, so to connect back to the starting point will take some time*
Thank you for this.
This sentence -------> "allow me to dominate you, demand things of you, take you for granted, knowing fully well that you cannot be dominated by anyone, I feel love."
The woman knows she's being driven, but she allows it. She bows down.
She's totally submissive.
See Kashi there?
See Kaykeyi there?
See Draupadi there?
See Rukmini there?
And when their respective husbands 'betray' them, it's a bit obvious although not necessarily justified that they become 'stones', emotionless.
Sure, there could have been other reactions. Like Sita; even she was ‘betrayed' by Ram. BUT, at the end- at the end, although not shown to be aggressive at Ram's abandonment after the Agni Pariksha; when Ram fetches her back after years, she decides to go away, join back the Earth without even looking at him.
Just imagine that. All that Love.
And dunk in a second.
Thank you..
What thank you?! :D
*oops a tear dropped*
(: (:
A man clings to ego, and develops an identity through masculinity, out of necessity- through understanding that his success and value is dependent on it. It isn’t that a man wants to win all the time to feel good; it’s that a man needs to win all the time to be socially relevant.
The female ego is purely about the good feelings associated with winning; a woman does not need to rely on success or respect to retain her value as a human, therefore her feelings of superiority are purely to satisfy her own egotistical self-image.
Femininity is submission; the surrender of ego. Although Feminine women are typically girly, and usually attractive, these qualities follow Femininity but are not causal of Femininity.
As Feminists have worked diligently to eradicate all traces of Feminine tendency in women, replaced by the more masculine Female Ego, the idea of being sexualized has replaced the delicate essence of Femininity.
Hijacking and redefining the term Feminine does not lead to long term success for women, nor does it provide men with the driving force of Feminine energy; it leads to a hedonistic culture of promiscuous sex unfocused on the larger issue of maintaining a strong civilization.
Strength in Submission; Standards and Femininity:
The Feminist will look at the Feminine woman’s calm surrender as a display of weakness; she will swear that the Feminine woman not continuously grasping at power will leave her open to being taken advantage of by men; that the Feminine woman’s submission inherently implies a lack of standards– that this submission must mean that the Feminine woman is settling for a lesser man than she deserves.
This is not the case. The Feminine woman’s display of submission is merely a lack of Female Ego to protect. The Feminine woman is so genuinely confident in herself that she doesn’t need to win petty arguments with men to prove her worth- this is true female confidence.
Until next time,
Much love!