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Living Our Selves Out Openly

NIk 11/15, 11:12pm

One good advice that I learnt is that you should never reveal everything on you to anyone, even if you're married to that person.

Me 11/15, 11:12pm

Why is that so? :0

NIk 11/15, 11:15pm

You'll regret it sooner than you may think. It’s just like hating someone; you cannot hate someone without having lived with that person under the same roof for a long time. Hating a friend for something is just some childish stuff to express our anger. Real hate can only appear in the family because you never know what the other person's life was like at home, school, tuitions or any other place.

Me 11/15, 11:15pm

Regrets. Humph. That's about living in fear. I don't do that business. Hiding things is like stifling your inner soul from living life to the fullest. I come from a family where transparency primes. I believe in the positivity of things. To be able to surrender your soul, pull down the walls and be vulnerable demands a lot of courage.

I want to be known for love and compassion.

Not for fear and regrets. I've been there. Two years ago. I lived in a cocoon.

In a nutshell. I had closed myself to the aggressive world outside. But I'm not Like that now. *:) I used to be the loner. Anti-social. Spitting on social norms. Finding socialising too much of a hard task.

But things changed.

It was about being able to love myself enough, so much that no other person's pokes can make you faileth.

Confusion in the mind about Who You Are, Who You Used To Be and Who You Want to become should be cleared. Always.






You hated itself because you cared about others before yourself? Dude! Give me a break!

I love myself because I become a bundle of happiness to help others before my Self. At least, I'm making myself happy through that first!

Probe deeper. The first means to understand something is accepting that thing. Try be receptive. It will talk to you. And hopefully things will evolve from being weird to 'interesting'.

Yes, I'm empathetic. It's a part of me I cannot change. Although it used to be a curse earlier, I accepted the fact and grew with it. So much that I can make of it an asset rather than an ailment.

Me 11/16, 12:02am

Mindset. Mindset. Mindset!

Cannot have the same mind-set as before? Who wants to have the same mind-set as before, all that one wants is to evolve to a mind-set that makes one happy and smiley.

Listen! What you give is what you receive! If you send arrogance and moodiness, that's what you'll receive back. The swift-ess way to gain a new way of thinking is merely to behave as though you've already reached there.

And what you resist, persists.

Resist the law of attraction, it'll persist. Give into it, and it will let you flow like a free flyer!

Me 11/16, 12:03am

Yet, the choice is yours. Choice is the only thing that you'll ever have. Ever.

NIk 11/16, 12:06am

If that approach works, you'll be the first to know. We can make the choice but can we live with the consequences of that choice? Point to ponder about. Train your brain to see the good in every situation and you'll never be its slave only its master.

Me 11/16, 12:07am

That sets me grinning. I'll be honoured! Believe me, it's a divine state of being-ness. Might be bumpy in the beginning. But stand strong. If you have had the valour enough to rule the shadows a place where you have to live through ruling, then that is light in comparison to that merely gets you to just be? Mere being-ness.

NIk 11/16, 12:07am

You just can't stop amazing me.

Me 11/16, 12:08am

Asking that question my dear darling of a friend shows the fear, the renunciation of those consequences! Why be afraid of a choice you made? Why regret something that you are the creator of?

NIk 11/16, 12:08am

Hhmmmmm.. Never thought of that.

Me 11/16, 12:08am

Regretting something that comes from you is like not loving your own self!

NIk 11/16, 12:09am

That is one hell of an advice.

Me 11/16, 12:10am

And in any case, one should never be attached to the results. Make a choice just for the same of making it. Your choices reflect who you are.

NIk 11/16, 12:10am

Why the hell didn’t you appear 4 months earlier on in my life T_T.

Me 11/16, 12:12am

The consequences you should never be attached to. That is selfishness. That is need. That is the need for specific results s if you bother about the effects.

And that is the fear of not getting what you thought you would get while making a choice.

This is called expectations. And expectations never contribute to happiness.

Hence. Choose. Without thinking of the consequences. That's about living in the moment. Sure, be pragmatic on your choice, but do not expect specific results. Be detached. Be happy.

I didn't appear 4 months ago because you never beckoned my soul to come to you or at least you were probably not ready to receive a soul in your space of being-ness.

NIk 11/16, 12:16am

Basically: do what has to be done and whatever happens, happens?

Me 11/16, 12:16am

Yes. Whatever happens happens for you still have control over whatever happens. The power of thoughts, law if attraction, you belief over abilities.

To be. To exist. I exist. I am. I am.

NIk 11/16, 12:18am

Where the hell do you come from? An angel from divine?

Me 11/16, 12:18am

Where the heaven do I come from you mean? Well, heaven's on Earth for me so I am an Earthling!

What I know is that I am a Bringer of Light.

NIk 11/16, 12:18am

You surely are a bringer of light, my dear.

Me 11/16, 12:19am

Angels are energies, they are the medium that connect us all. I think.

NIk 11/16, 12:19am

I am feeling blessed.

Me 11/16, 12:20am

Thank you so much NIk! For being! Again, one conversation I'm going to cherish!

NIk 11/16, 12:20am

I am going to cherish it more than you. And btw, what’s your name?

Me 11/16, 12:21am

There is not a single instance that you are not being blessed! Bless others, and you'll feel blessed more than ever!

NIk 11/16, 12:21am

I bless you my child!

Me 11/16, 12:22am

Lol! Call me whatever you want. It changes nothing about my being-ness. Unless it does. I feel blessed! Thank you! ^^

Until next time,

Much love!

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