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You are Unique, not Inferior!


I have been allowing other souls to pull me into their storms. I had lost my inner peace. And myself. To a large extent. I have decided to pull them into my peace now. And that requires me disconnecting from them so that I can reconnect.


I have been having huge inferiority complex issues. I have been having it because I'm allowing some close friends opinion of what I deserve and what not to affect me. I'm allowing them to tell me that whatever I have achieved so far is nothing. And I'm allowing that because I do agree with them.


Everyone of us are such unique souls. And we all have a different unique story. Our successes are never similar. Some people find their goals in things. Some in people. Some in themselves. Some don't. We all have a unique novel of which we are the heroes. Like Einstein says if you measure a fish's genius in his ability to fly he will fail, it's so similar. Some people go through life so easily. Some struggle to crawl through it. Both of them are meant to face challenges that make them grow. The challenges are different. But at the end of the day they are just that - Challenges. And honestly, I know you are a fighter. You always always did the best you could of your time and your energy and thoughts.

I realized at some point that I was never gonna be like other people. That the stories i wanted to be part of would not be mine. The more I sought to find what others were part of the more I lost touch with the beautiful chapters i was living. Looking back I canonically wish I had cherished my own story more and lived in the moments with more gratitude.

I learnt something very interesting from an Oscar speech today. The actor said the inspiration he always chased is himself in ten years... This was such a deep realization for me. I want to put this into practice. Since I joined the gym I used to stand and read a quote every time I went. It said something like the competition is only between you and yourself. Contrasting with other souls never brought me much, positively. It just brings a sense of 'seeing the glass half empty' and destroys our self love. Self love is the key I think. If we only trusted ourselves enough completely to be okay and loved ourselves so fully that it is enough we would be so happy and fulfilled. Lots of work to do there yet.

At some point I was exactly allowing people important to me to construct my image of myself. And slowly I realized that I was changing. For them. Because they wanted me to. And I was allowing the change. I felt a deep sense of unease. And destiny has a way... Something happened and we didn't talk for a few weeks. In that time I realized that and I slowly allowed myself to become who I was and reconnected with myself. After those two weeks we grew closer than ever. Because finally they got to know the real me. And they learnt to make the compromises.

This is the thing about relationships. People expect you to make all the compromises. But the ones that are really meant to be and help you grow will flow in such a way as to allow you to be you and then guide you to become a better you. But how will we know if we are actually growing positively or not? You are right, I think some detachment and self talk and self assessment does that. I love spending time alone everyday. At least an hour. Normally at sunrise or sunset. It gives you so much soul moment.

You are always a ray of the most special light, Pal. That is all I ever got from you and all I see you as. A wholesome person, who I can trust and believe and find myself evolving with.

Sometimes if people make you think lesser of yourself be a sassy Bawse!

I watched a lot of Lily Singh today.

You are enough. You are perfect. And your story has so many many chapters yet. Don't judge yourself because of where you are now because life ain't letting a flower like you bloom late for nothing! You gonna be the best rose in that garden when you bloom! And tell them your bud's more awesome than their full bloom.

Take care Pal! Honestly you are my inspiration. Much love and light.




And how can I not be!

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