The Real Nature of Love

"What is love?"
"It is what remains when all is over."
"Is it not what is when all is? "
"That can be anything, but love is the candle you keep alive when all the lights are out. Then only you know for sure it was love."
"Isn't it too late then? I mean, when all is over... "
"Too late to know it was love? Too late to have loved? No... For many, love is a concept that demands reciprocation. In truth, love is deeper than that. Love has no condition, you see, it just is. Without reason or circumstance. Love just happens and love just stays. It is not a controlled feeling."
"Have you been in love? "
"Been? Why 'been'? If your question is 'am I in love' then the answer is, yes I very much am. How do I know? Because I want those persons to be happy. I wish them good, I talk good of them, and if one day i meet them again, I will be happy to see them."
"They are away? "
"Not at all. They are close. Here. (points to his heart) This is how I know it is love. They stayed. Time did not take them."
"That's deep... "
"Oh if you knew. Love is for the brave. Not everyone is brave. Romeo drank hemlock, and Juliet stabbed herself, because they were not brave enough to live for love. So they died for it."
"Live for love? "
"Yeah. Living every new day, with the same old love in your heart."
"Don't people love again then? "
"Oh they do, the heart is very huge. But that does not mean the love grows lesser."
"So from what you said earlier, it has to end for someone to know it was love?"
"Love has trials. It has to live through enough of those. Love is not a goal. It is a journey. Love is not a prize. It is not a blessing. Love is and lasts while life itself does, it is a prayer."
"What if someone's love is not reciprocated? If he stays alone... "
"That would be sad, wouldn't it? But again, reciprocation is not needed in love. It is needed when one is on the plane of ego. Love is beyond this plane. This is why few understand it. Love is letting go. Love is living again. Love is never unloving. Love is smiling about the memories and not feeling pained by the absence of more. Love just is. And however it is, it is wonderful."