Being a Student Happiness Ambassador
We all remember how when we were younger, we had race home from school with a heart full of joy just because school finally over for the day. What made us happy as a child? They were those small mini-experiences that made our heart race, rather than the big wondrous experiences we crave for as we get older.

How did we use to be happy with that little plastic car? How at the thought of our favourite cartoon we would beam excitedly?! That glim in the innocent dilated pupils? The sheer love for life? The happiness surrounding our small heads?!
All these questions have driven me to conclude that happiness is a conscious choice we make at every instance of the day. Choosing to see the positives and living for them and not ignore the negatives but rather work on them is all about a sequence of actions. Hence, happiness for me is something anyone can work towards. Certainly, it’ll take time, but we all need to start somewhere, don’t we? I believe in 3 simple rules to Happiness.
Number One: Being grateful.
There's nothing more joyful than saying "Thank You". Say it for every single thing that a person does for you-from just passing you that ketchup bottle to helping you revise on the eve of an exam. Notice the flicker in that person's eye- a sparkle that seems to reach you to bless you. And then there's the feeling of greatness that you feel from within just by being grateful. Be thankful for each breath you're taking and believe me suddenly you experience that you are, that you exist, that you are living...Happiness!
Number Two: The concepts of heaven and hell are not confined to places above and below us.
Heaven and hell can be achieved during life, every day, through a state of mind and being. My personal belief is that Earth is Heaven. Just stop thinking that there somewhere to reach and somewhere from where to escape. Realise that you've already reached the destination. Realize that Happiness comes from living in the present and not from dwelling the past or fearing the future- it is about accepting or rather embracing the current situation and thinking highly positive about it. Stop the ranting. Thought is creative- so use its power, make the most of it. Get rid of all the pessimistic feelings. Lie to yourself, to others. Put up a masquerade of Happiness. It will naturally come your way-It is the Law of Attraction!
Number Three: Happiness is a feeling within you.
Eliminate feelings of guilt and regret. Perpetuating those feelings is of no use! Play with your conscience for it is mouldable. Conscience is built by society by your environment by people who define what is right and what is wrong.
Conscience is like that inner policeman that makes you feel guilty about committing a mistake and regretting it afterwards. One of the biggest battles that takes place within me is the battle between right and wrong. Understand one thing: ‘Nothing is intrinsically right or wrong.’
Things are given certain meanings and values are attached to them by society- these are judgements notably not made by you but by people around but you are definitely contributing to it by allowing their judgements to influence you, to manipulate you and to kill you! They are making norms, rules and laws to do that only. Just love yourself and glorify who you are. Glorify what they call your mistake for it comes from you only! BE HAPPY to be aware and conscious that you are the master of your own life
I have been blogging for the past 5 years and my articles mainly focus on spiritual development and self-love. I have been a magnetic tour a lot of people came to whenever they needed advice or just had to pour out their hearts. And I truly enjoy being a listener. It feels good to me. Hence, when I heard about the S P Jain Centre of Excellence for Happiness I was thoroughly excited. I felt like there is something on campus that actually could go to play a very meaningful role to my own further development as well as something that I could help build into a never-ending grander vision.
To live responsibly doesn’t simply mean to pick up after ourselves, to be held accountable for our actions or to contribute to other people or another bigger cause. A big part of living responsibly is to be responsible for ourselves, our own happiness, our own well-being and our own existence. Being a Student Happiness Ambassador would be my soulful contribution to the campus. I am already whole-heartedly embracing this mission because I know how much such initiatives hold a divine place in my heart. If I am standing up for this, it is as much for myself as it is for my peers on campus and the world that surrounds me.